Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Psonríe. If you can’t find an answer to any of your questions, you can contact us.

We are the first online and completely anonymous psychological counselling service, specialized in day-to-day psychological problems. This service allows you to talk to a professional psychologist whenever you need it and easily through your mobile. For more information click here
At Psonríe we provide psychological counselling. All therapies are proven to be effective if the user is willing to change. To achieve an optimal result it is essential to want to solve the problem and attend the therapist's suggestions.
Absolutely. We don’t manage any personal data and everything remains between you and your therapist. We only use email for security reasons or to communicate notices and news.
In Psonríe the user has always the last word so if you want to extend your session and the therapist sees fit, you can add time and continue solving your doubts with our professionals.
Yes. In the app you can always see who are the therapists that are connected, their information, photograph and name are at your disposal. You can also see them in the section “Our psychologists”.
Of course. You can always choose which professional you want to start your psychological counselling session with among all those who are connected.
We offer a 24/7 psychological care service. However, it is possible that at some point in the day no therapist will be found since they may be busy doing other sessions, but we will notify you immediately that one of them is available. You can also request a prior appointment with your psychologist to ensure that he is available on the date you want.
Of course, in Psonríe sessions are immediate. Make sure you have 25 minutes to do the session and start whenever you want, instantly or by appointment.
We have a large number of professionals and we can help you with whatever your problem is. For example: couples therapy, treatment for anxiety and depression, stress relief, personal development, sexual concerns, among others.
Yes, it is possible to have long-term therapy with the same psychologist since you can chat with your therapist outside of the session and schedule your sessions using the prior appointment option.
At the moment Psonríe is available on the web, on Android and iOS. Start now or download our app and contact a professional psychologist.
Use the form that you will find on the Contact page. We will give you an answer in less than 48 hours.
Payment is made through our mobile application. Once the psychologist is chosen, payment is made and the session begins.
We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express cards.
We use a fully secure payment system through the Stripe platform. Your credit card information remains hidden from our servers.
It is very important that you have at least 25 minutes before starting a session. Even so, if due to any incident you have to leave the session, get in touch with us and we will find the best solution for you.
All Psonríe psychologists have a Bachelor of Psychology degree, as well as all the qualifications required by law.
All Psonríe psychologists are registered in the corresponding College of Psychologists in their location.
No. All professionals at Psonríe are licensed psychologists. Psonríe's position is clearly contrary to professional intrusion in the field of Psychology.
